
How to uninstall monika after story
How to uninstall monika after story

how to uninstall monika after story how to uninstall monika after story

  • In the Golden Ending, Sayori gains awareness of the player's saving and loading to go through each girl's route, and is touched by how much they care to take these efforts.
  • Unfortunately, Monika's interference makes it moot. It's actually a note saying that she's concerned about Yuri's Sanity Slippage, and that she feels you're best to convince her to get help, as it'd only start another argument if she did it personally and Monika keeps sweeping it under the rug.
  • Natsuki's final poem in the second playthrough is this.
  • Sadly it doesn't work out unless you got the Golden Ending
  • Even after deleting Monika, she still loves you enough to bring back the other characters for you to have a happy ending.
  • I promise.Man, humans are complicated! But as long as you're here with me, I'll take care of you, my love." Maybe they don't express it every day, or maybe they don't even know how to. As for you.You don't struggle with depression or anything like that, do you? Because you, too, have people who would want to save your life. And just by being a good person, you can save someone's life. But Sayori was never real in the first place. I hope being friends with Sayori has given you some perspective on the true face of depression. All of those things can help your friend make it to the next day.

    how to uninstall monika after story

    Making plans in advance, letting them borrow something, or even just saying 'See you at school tomorrow'. And remind them that they always have something to look forward to. Spend time with them, even if they don't feel like doing much. You can help just by treating them like they're a good friend. Just, if you think you know someone struggling with depression. Depression comes in many forms, but that is one of them. Their feeling of worthlessness is so overwhelming that they don't even want people to tell them otherwise. They don't want attention, because they've already given up on the inside. Many people who are depressed won't even bother telling the world about it. You may not know what someone is really feeling on the inside.

    how to uninstall monika after story

    And others have aching hearts and seek attention on social media.But all of the social pressure and hormones can lead to a dark time in people's lives. People can get really passionate and dramatic. "You know, high school is a really turbulent time in a lot of people's lives.

    How to uninstall monika after story