
E drive is full
E drive is full

e drive is full

Almost every variable in the calculation may be changed by the user to represent a system different from the default values pre-entered into the program. Instructions for use and an illustration of model results are also presented. A user of the model will be able to recreate the calculations and perhaps more importantly, understand the driving forces for the results. The purpose of the report is to document the equations and assumptions from which the model has been created. This report and accompanying model include changes made in response to the comments received during the peer-review. Both the model and the report have been publicly peer-reviewed by battery experts assembled by the U.S. At the more » time this report is written, this calculation is the only publicly available model that performs a bottom-up lithium-ion battery design and cost calculation.

e drive is full

The total cost to the original equipment manufacturer calculated by the model includes the materials, manufacturing, and warranty costs for a battery produced in the year 2020 (in 2010 US$). The assumed annual production level directly affects each process step. The cost of the designed battery is then calculated by accounting for every step in the lithium-ion battery manufacturing process. The model designs the battery for a specified power, energy, and type of vehicle battery. This report details the Battery Performance and Cost model (BatPaC) developed at Argonne National Laboratory for lithium-ion battery packs used in automotive transportation.

E drive is full